Karen Gale
Coaching, Counselling / Psychotherapy / Life Coach
Karen is a Registered Psychotherapist and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from York University and a Masters Degree in Holistic and Spiritual Psychotherapy from Transformational Arts in Toronto. She is a Certified Life Coach and has helped many of our clients define and execute their personal and professional goals.
Karen employs a holistic approach in Psychotherapy and Life Coaching, blending diverse disciplines to tackle all facets of clients’ lives and experiences. With a supportive, non-judgmental stance, Karen assists clients in navigating transformative journeys, envisioning and achieving tangible changes in their lives. Karen empowers clients to pursue fulfilling relationships, career opportunities and personal growth by fostering resilience through recognizing blind spots, employing coping mechanisms and fostering a strong sense of self. Under Karen’s guidance, clients reinvent themselves, discovering authenticity in a secure, nurturing environment.
Karen is in good standing with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals.
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Visit the online booking page to schedule your complimentary 10 minute consultation. i want to ensure we're a good fit and that your comfortable and happy with your decision to move forward. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to click the contact button, and I'll get back to you promptly.